Rewrite Wiki

Okay, so there's pages for Krivoy Rog and Kilimanjaro but NOT a page for Chibimoth. Hell, there's not even a page for Fuego. Or for Yoshino's Wolf Gang. There's a LOT of pages that should be up but aren't. I'll try doing what I can but jesus, this is a mess.

EDIT: Apparently there WAS a page for Chibimoth, but not with any sort of consistent naming sense. On the page I saw every kind of translation of his name ranging from "Chibi-Moth," "Chibi- Moth," "Chibi," "Chibi-Mosu," etc. I just stuck with good ol' "Chibimoth" since that's what people who read the novel with the English patch are going to see anyway. Still no pages for Fuego, Yoshino's Wolf Gang, or even Kazamatsuri Academy.
